Monday, September 14, 2009

Not good

Dad isn't doing so well. I got a call last night around 11pm from the resident that was concerned with Dad. He said his mental status had changed and wanted to know if he has a history of drinking. Which I informed he doesn't what-so-ever. So that ruled out Dad going through DT's. The resident thought maybe the steroids were causing Dad's confusion and said he was pretty sure it is not neurological in origin.

Fast forward to this morning, Maggie and I drove down to UC to see him since he was suppose to have his big scan this morning. As soon as we got to the room, I noticed they had his hands tied down and was restrained. He got more confused as the night went on and even kicked a nurse. They moved his ICU room closer to the nurses station. His blood pressure is pretty high even with the
BP meds. When we got here, he was laying in bed and tied down retrained. He doesn't know who Maggie and I are, and if you ask him where he is, he looks around and says "I give up"

He is very restless trying to pull his leads and gown off. This is so not like Dad, he is very very confused. The Doctor came in and said he thinks it is both a reaction to the steroids and the pneumonia causing the confusion. They stopped his steroids and started new antibiotics and he has hopes he will come out of this in the next 24 hours. His WBC is still elevated also. They are also putting a NT tube down his nose and that goes into his belly to feed him nutrients since he is unable to eat.

The scan is cancelled since he would not be able to lay still at the moment and the nurse said a head scan would be more of a priority at this moment.

I will keep this updated as the day goes through. I am used to seeing patients in the state all the time, but it is SO different when it's your Dad and you know this is NOT HIM.


  1. Ashley-I've been praying for your dad! I'm so sorry to hear this new post. =( *HUGS*

  2. My Thoughts and prayers are with you honey.

  3. My thoughts are with you and your family

  4. Praying for you, your Dad, and family. {{HUGS}}

  5. That's pretty scary. I'm so sorry that there isn't better news right now. I hope it's just temporary and that he becomes himself again soon. My thoughts are with your family. ((Hugs))

  6. I am so sorry that your family is going through this right now. My prayers are with you and yours.

  7. I am so sorry. Hopefully this will turn around. Thinking of you...
