Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update #2

Just got up to UC and Dad is up and sitting in a chair but you can tell his spirits are just down. I think the ICU-itis is kicking in. The chest x-ray from this morning confirmed new pnuemonia. The pnuemonia was most likely already developing before he was even admitted. He was unable to take deep breaths and cough is usual up since he was in so much pain from the plueral effusion for 3 days before he even went to the hospital. So Dr Smith came in and cancelled the open heart surgery that was suppose to take place either tomorrow or Tuesday until his pneumonia clears.


  1. I just got caught up with all the updates of your dad's condition. I'm so sorry you're enduring this. I'm so glad you can be there with him. I know it is so hard to see a parent sick. Hang in there. Big hug to you!

  2. I'm thinking of you and keeping your dad in my prayers. (((Hugs)))

  3. Continuing to pray and think of you and your family!

  4. I just stopped and said a prayer for you & your family. (((hugs)))
