Friday, October 30, 2009


I remember when my best friend Val had these made. I squealed in excitement when I saw them for the first time. (Yes I know I am addicted to anything nautical) I actually had a blog post saved in a draft to share this with you back in May. But then with all of Nolan's scares, we put the shower off and I decided not to share the invite at that time. Gosh, never did I expect to deliver Nolan a week before my baby shower was suppose to be.

Anyways, I just wanted to share with you how PERFECT his baby shower invites were.

So if I ever get anywhere near as far to have a bay shower in the future. I think I will decline and wait and have a 'Welcome Home Baby' party instead.


  1. How wonderful! We planned the same thing a sort of welcome home shower if we ever get to have a bring home baby.

  2. Ashley, they're gorgeous - you had a fantastic event planned didn't you? The welcome home party is the same plan we had. Having a baby shower felt really weird (I ended up with a surprise one at 28wks which made me feel really uncomfortable). I didn't want to celebrate until I felt really sure that everything was going to be okay - i.e. she was here and home. Friends understand and it certainly makes the event a bit different to the usual shower :)

  3. That's my plan as well. My sister made the cutest invites for my shower that we never had... I do not want a shower next time for fear of jinxing things..We'll do a welcome home baby shower as well (=

  4. I always say the same thing. IF I were ever to have another baby (and that is a big, huge, gigantic IF) I would wait and have a welcome home baby party. It just makes me too nervous.

  5. They are TOO cute!! I love the shower events! Thinking of you! :)

  6. Love the invite! It is beautiful. I had to throw all my invites away too. I agree with others, if I'm blessed with another baby it will be a welcome home shower.

  7. So sweet :) We had a date for my shower, but hadn't made any plans yet. . .and yes, I think a "welcome home" party is the way to go from now on. Here's hoping we both get to experience that soon.
