Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mail Day

Thank you Huggies, Gerber & Enfamil for sending me your stupid coupons, congratulation cards and constant reminders of your new products. Oh and don't forget stupid Babies R Us and their daily junk mail. Why don't these places have an "emergency cancel" option for Mom's like us. I just don't get it. I have cancelled anything I had signed up for, but of course it still finds it's way to our mailbox. The ones I hate are the ones that say, congrats on your recent baby who is now 2 months old!

STOP, please just STOP! I hate checking them mailbox now. I can seriously go for days and not check it. It drives Chris nuts, but it gives me too much anxiety.

On top of this, I got more medical bills in the mail and new ones at that. Yup, the amniocentesis bill FINALLY showed up. For awhile there I thought we got luck and insurance covered most of it. Boy do I have that wrong. The bill is bigger than my C-section co-pay!

I am just SO OVER this nightmare and ready for it to be over.


  1. That sucks Ashley. No other way to put it. So sorry :(

  2. I'm sorry. You should not have to deal with that. There should be something you can do to stop receiving those though.

  3. I cancelled everything too - and still receive things saying your baby is 8 weeks old today! really?!! The hubby has to get the mail most days - I could car less to see what kind of baby related sadness is in there.

    Now I am checking the mail obsessively though because I am waiting for the updated benefits package from work and really really really hope my insurance doesn't have deductibles now :(

    Bills and baby stuff- if that doesn't make you feel bad I don't know what would :(

  4. Ahh, Ashley..I'm with you. I got a box of Enfamil in the mail last week and was like, uhm...thanks but no thanks.

    I sent an email to babies r us to get me off their mailing list, yet I still receive things in the mostly.

    Hang in there. One foot in front of the other is how I have been able to get through my days.

    Thank you also to you, and the many other blogs I read..that help me feel so not alone in this walk.

  5. Thinking of you...I can't imagine how you are feeling getting things in the mail that are a daily reminder of what you should have right now. Continued prayers for you!

  6. Those are the worst. I also cancelled everything, and I still got them. Don't be surprised if you get one later that says something about your nine month old. I got it out of the blue one day and was just thrown into shock. Big hugs to you.

  7. You are so right about the baby junk mail. One day I got so fed up that I wrote my baby had died and sent it back to the company. OR how about when the hospital screws up and sends you a new medical card. Needless to say, the hospital didn't receive a pleasant call that day. Sometimes its too overwhelming to bare. Hang in there. Hugs.
