Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Memorial Garden visits

So Chris and I took a bike ride to visit Nolan 2 days ago. We do it often, but this was the first time we have done it in a few weeks. Yup, its 8 miles there so that gives us a total of 16 full miles that I am huffing and puffing through. The only way I make it is because I know that the half way point is visiting Nolan. But by time I get there, you find me looking like this. It kills me that I am exercising and laying in front of my baby's resting spot, but it's something I am learning to live with. You would think I would be at a park laying on a blanket or running with him in a jogging stroller (Well, okay... maybe that's pushing it) but we aren't.
While we were at the church we stopped in to see the progress on Nolan's Guardian Angel statue and infant memorial area for the garden. I am happy to announce that Nolan's statue is in. It's so beautiful, I thank EVERYONE who contributed to something that means so much to us. They are waiting for the stand to come in. Then she showed me the plans that have drawn up for the garden and area around the statue and it's absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see it all done. I PROMISE to update you guys as soon as I know when they will do the blessing and everything so if you want to come, you can.

Also, they informed us of a All Souls Day-Litany of the Saints service that they are holding out in the Memorial Garden on Nov 2nd at 7pm. It's going to be a mass outside with luminary candles and such in memory of all those laid to rest with Nolan in the garden. So we will definitely be attending that.

Look, as I was cleaning and re-organizing our kitchen... I put all the cards we received in the past few months in a box and was amazed at how many there were. Sure, I knew there was a lot...but WOW... when you see them all together it's pretty amazing. I make it a goal of mine to go back and read through each and everyone of them at some point in the future. Back in June & July a lot of the messages sent just kind of blurred together so I would like to go back and reread them. I hope to do this by Nolan's first birthday.

I am still real down about the upcoming holidays that I talked about in my last post. It's something that I am learning all baby loss mom's and familes experience. I guess it's just a hard time of year for all us. I hope friends and family understand our feelings and emotions at this time of year. God bless.


  1. I too wish you were exercising by jogging with a baby stroller...and it's so nice to see all those cards and know that you have support from so many people!

  2. God Bless you & your family Ashley. I hope you have the best holiday season possible & I can't WAIT to see the memorial statue.

  3. That is great about Nolans statue I gave to that fund so please post pics when they get it up. That is so neat wish I could attend the memorial those are so great. Glad you can ride the bike that is great since my ankle being broken I cant ride a bike it hurts to pedal I do like to walk though. Hugs to all of you Aunt Chris

  4. I love the decorations on Nolan's spot. So cute and festive.

  5. Hey! My sister in law mades those blessing rings. I'd love to have her make one or two for you if you would like.

    Email me at

    Have a good weekend!
