Monday, November 23, 2009

Bon Voyage

We are leaving in the morning as soon as I get off work we will be driving across the state to Port Everglades. I really can't believe that we booked this cruise just weeks after losing Nolan in hopes that it would give us something to look forward to to make the 6 months fly by. And now here we are, 6 months later (well almost 6 months) I guess I can say time flies, but it sure hasn't felt like it. We also booked this cruise for Nolan, a perfect vacation in his honor. I can promise he will be thought about ALL week. I have plans on writing his name on every beach we go to.

For those of you wondering, we are going on the Ruby Princess (the ship we were married on) and sailing for 10 days. We have never been on a 10 day cruise so this will be something new for us. We have always been the 7 day type people. BUT, we NEED these 10 days to ourselves. The past few months have been nothing but emotional stress, work stress and social & health stress.... we are SO ready to get away.

The places we are visiting:

Princess Cays, Bahamas

St. Thomas

St. Kitts

St. Lucia



My plan for the moment is to get on everyday and write to Nolan about our days since I have free internet. I wish he was here more than anything.

I will see you all on the flip side. We get back on December 4th and leave 4 days later for my Dad's open heart surgery that is FINALLY going to happen.

Bon Voyage!


  1. Have fun and enjoy your time together! You guys deserve it more than anything!

  2. Have a great time! It sounds like its a much needed and desearved trip! *HUGS*

  3. Have a great time! You and the hubby deserve some quality RELAXATION time. I look forward to seeing the pics of Nolan's name written in so many different sands.

  4. I think it is a wonderful idea to get away. I hope you have a good time on your cruise. I know your will think of your sweet boy often.

  5. Ashley,
    Have fun and enjoy your time with your husband. How very cool to be on the same ship you were married on. I will be looking forward to the pics of Nolan's name on all those beaches!!! I hope that this trip helps you find some time to heal and of course you will think of Nolan every day for he is in you everyday! Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  6. Have fun, Ashley! You deserve a good time.
