Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear Nolan,

I miss you little guy! Daddy and I made it safely to our cruiseship and are all moved in our balcony cabin for 10 days. It's bittersweet being on this cruise because in one way we are here for you yet on the other hand if you were here, we wouldn't even be on this cruise right now.

The ship is as beautiful as I remember it 11 months ago when we got married. As soon as we boarded we went out and had a toast on our balcony with Barefoot Champangne then adventured out on to the deck the captain married your daddy and I at.

I promise to do everything for you Nolan, we're going to have a relaxing week and do some things we normally wouldn't all because you simply can't do them. We love you Nolan and I want you to know that we are thinking about you every second. Even at sailway I knew you were with us... the band played your favorite Bob Marley song as we pulled away from the dock. It's the one that I would play on my belly and you would dance for the ultrasound tech or just kick to remind me you were there. Your Daddy and I instantly looked at eachother and were reminded you are with us... all.the.time.

Off to a day in the Bahamas. I miss you Nolan and remember our talk with you the other night... you better keep your eye out.

Your Mommy


  1. Such a sweet will always remember your little one, especially this week!

  2. Ash-

    We are living in St. Thomas now and I can recommend you visit Magens beach if time allows you. It is the most beautiful beach here and the sand is perfect for writing in.

    I know you may not remember me from the knot, but I have followed your story and I am touched at the ways in which you and you husband express the love you will always have for Nolan.

    -Julie (PsyDBride)

  3. ((Hugs)) honey. Enjoy your trip. I know it's bittersweet.

  4. Glad you made it safely. I hope your trip is enjoyable.
