Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Epic Fail

I tried. I really did, I promise. I was so excited about them too. I thought about them all last night and I think it's the only festive thing this season I was looking forward to.

Christmas Angel Sugar cookies decorated by yours truly.

Well. It didn't go as planned, at all.

It all started when I saw blogs and FB status updates about baking cookies. Well gosh darn it, it sounded like a great idea! I mean my Grandpa was a baker and owned a bakery, so it should be in my blood, right? HA! I wanted to make a few different shapes but really wanted to make angel cookies to bring to work, since I work the next few nights and I really should contribute to the food everyone will be eating. Easy plan, or so I thought.

I couldn't find a darn angel cookie cutter for the life of me. So I bought a pack of 3 small ones at Target and figured they would work. Then I came home with enough ingredients to make 2 batches. I was so ready! Chris was shocked that I was even in the kitchen to make something that didn't require a microwave. I mean how hard could it be to make a freaking cookie, just follow the darn recipe right?

So I started taking some good photos so I could share my experience with you all like the cooking blogs do. And here's how it went.

So I went shopping, got all my ingredients. Which most of I didn't even have in my pantry. Shhhh
This can't be too hard to follow right? This cook book has NEVER let me down. Until today.
Getting started.
I'm a very messy baker.
Why the heck are they so poofy?

This is after several attempts of rolling sticky dough, baking a few batches that all turned out fluffy, bland and well just plain awful. I made a mess and it really looks like a flour, sprinkle & food coloring tornado came through.
So needless to say, I am going to work the next few nights empty handed. I did give Chris a good laugh and he tried to stay encouraging and say they tasted great, but he is such a bad liar. Ha!

So if you have any recipes for cookies you swear by that is a guarantee I can't screw them up, please send them my way. I am determined to do my Grandpa proud and make some good sugar cookies.


  1. did add the sugar right? hehehe

  2. I bet they still tasted great! I'd go ahead and decorate them anyways. Imperfection is perfect..means they are made with love. Sometimes using margerine instead of butter will make things poof, or too much baking powder can also cause poofiness.

  3. honey....go to the store, get pillsbury roll out sugar cookie dough and call it a day! Some cookies poof right out of the oven and flatten out as they cool as well.

  4. It may have been a failure - but I bet it was still kind of fun right?

    I can't do sugar cookies. Can do others - but sugar cookies have always eluded me.

  5. If it cheered you up and made you smile for even a moment it was definately worth it. :)
