Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas cheer

I got a special ornament from a co-worker last night for Nolan and I just HAD to share it. Barb, a nurse in SICU makes these beautiful ornaments every year, so I am so thankful the took the time to make an extra special one for Nolan. He even has his eyes closed, just like Nolan since I never saw his eyes open and used my favorite colors red & blue. Thank you so much Barb. Sometimes it's just the simple things that make such a huge impact.

I also got this ornament in the mail from Brie, a fellow blog friend and I adore it. I can't wait to hang these on my tree next year.(Don't mind my glass of vino in the background)

I actually got excited since getting these ornaments and went to buy a small tree I saw at Publix a week ago even though I am anti decorations this year. Well just my luck, the tree is dry and dead, so it looks like I will just have to wait till next year. Bummer. At least I made an attempt.


  1. I love the ornaments! How thoughtful! The 'n' one gave me the idea to get initial ornaments for my babies too.

  2. What beautiful ornaments & I am happy that you have enjoyed some holiday cheer...if even for a minute. God Bless!

  3. Those are beautiful ornaments. :)

  4. The boy ornament is WICKED cute! She did a great job! The N ornament is cute as well but looks good enough to eat :) Reminds me of a cookie. OR could be that I forgot my lunch and am willing to eat my keyboard at this point.

  5. the intial ornaments are at KOHLS...I thought they were fitting, so childlike and all..I bought them for my tree, my moms tree and my sister's tree, so we all can remember my little Denise...And of course, after meeting Ashley through our losses, I knew Nolan couldn't be left out (=

  6. That one looks like a cookie! That is so cute!

  7. Ashley,
    I found your blog through the 4 Stemmes blog (Tara is a friend's sister)and have been following it for months. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I know that your sweet little Nolan is watching you from up above. I know I don't know you personally, but I found something that I know you would love in memory of Nolan. I'm not really sure how this works, but I was wondering if I could send it to you as a gift in memory of your sweet boy. Do you have mailing address that your recieve mail by from you blog followers? Please let me know, I'm itching to get this gift for you! I know it's just perfect!
