Friday, December 18, 2009

Thank You

First off, THANK YOU for all your comments pointing me in some directions to find an ornament for Nolan. There were so many good ones it has inspired me to make Nolan a little tree of ornaments just for him. Even if I only get 2 or 3 this year, I can always build on it every year.

Secondly, I love getting blog comments from those who have never commented before. I love to see who reads Nolan's story. I know a lot of people do (according to the 80,000+ views), but it's always nice to put a blog, face, or name to the person on the other side of the screen. So thank you for those of you who commented the first time and sent ideas for Nolan's ornament.

Lastly, I am still working on our cruise blog post with pictures. I only have a little bit done and I work the next few nights so hopefully next week I will be able to post it.

Only 13 days left of 2009. I am soooo ready to kiss this year goodbye. I am working NYE, so it will suck up to the very last second, but we are having a "Welcome 2010 Party' on NYD with drinks, champange, football and some very close friends. I am ready for a new year filled with good things. Hoping and praying 2010 is a better year for everyone, since 2009 has been a rough one for many of us.


  1. If you have a chance, post some pics of his ornaments...I am sure whatever you choose will be beautiful. :)

    Here here to bringing in has to be an easier year for everyone.

  2. Since you mentioned that you like getting comments I'm going to go ahead and leave you one :). I've been quietly following your story for a while now and it has touched my heart. You are a great Mommy. Nolan is lucky to have such devoted parents. It must be amazing to know that you have your very own little angel watching over you.

  3. I'm glad you got so many ideas for the ornaments. I know one I want to get perhaps next year is something from Things Remembered and get it personalized.

  4. Your welcome party sounds lovely :) I know I've been away for a while, but know how much I've been thinking of you and wishing you peace. ((Hugs)) honey.
