Sunday, December 20, 2009

Broken record.

I have so much to say, but no way to put it in words without sounding like a broken record. With the approaching holidays, all I can think about is how lonely they feel this year. Granted I have Chris, friends and family, I am working the entire week to distract myself from from the empty feeling festivities. I'm just bummed out and ready to move on to 2010. I am just crossing my fingers for good things to come.

So as the broken record repeats... "I love you, I miss you and I just wish you were here- this just isn't right."


  1. Shane calls me a broken record...put on your seatbelt....turn off the light...put on your seatbelt....

  2. I feel this pain all too well right now. *huge Hugs*

  3. Even though you lost Nolan this year it is a special year too because you had him in your life. I hope 2010 will be better for you and a blessed one for you and Chris with a little one there.
