Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby Shower! Choo-choo!

I don't have enough words for the gratitude I have for yesterday's shower. It was simply amazing. It all couldn't have come together without my best friend Valorie, she is the one who begged me to let her throw me a shower back in August, knowing I didn't want a shower this pregnancy. I was still hesitant given we started planning Nolan’s last year just before everything happened. She insisted and with everything we have been through together, I knew it meant a lot to her. The past 2 months she has dreamed of trains, had aqua & red throw up all over her house and spent countless hours at the sewing machine. She is a gem in my life, my best friend and has a heart of gold and made this party one of a kind.


She got news on Friday, 2 days before the big day that her Daddy passed away. For all the times she has taken care of me, held me and wiped my tears away I wanted nothing more than to hold her and fix it all for her. I love her to pieces. We were ready to either cancel the shower or try to make the best of her vision so she could go be with her family. But after post-poning her travels due to other reasons, she decided to still make this party happen. I never once expected her to be there since hearing the news, but having her there made my day that more special.

She is amazing. I can't thank her enough and I know how much it meant for her to see her vision come together. She put her heart and soul into this, she knew how much this day meant for the both Chris and I.

Here I am at 32 weeks and 3 days and I am writing a post about OUR baby shower! I am just so damn thankful! I really never thought I would see the day of a real baby shower, for US.

I wish I could tell you all how amazing it was, but I think I just need to show pictures since there are no words with how much thought went into this day.

To make a long story short..

There was a Welcome Table that had prize scratch offs, guest book and a photo booth to take tons of fun pictures!

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There was a table-o-sugar aka the Candy Buffet and Dessert Bar that was a HUGE hit!







We BBQ catered from MacDaddys, it was YUMMY!



There was even a diaper train!


Tons of friends came to the shower…





And CC got spoiled, like REALLY spoiled. He is one loved little boy! I won’t bore you with all the pictures from opening presents. There are a TON more pictures from the entire day on Facebook.


  But this gift was the tear jerker. It was a very nice outfit with anchors on it and I just couldn’t stop crying at what should have been yet what what will be and how anchors hold such a special spot in our hearts forever.

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I can honestly say, the shower was never about the gifts, desserts or even the awesome party details. Our baby shower was a day we felt so loved by our friends and family. I know I sound all puppies and rainbows, but I had convinced myself I would never be the guest of honor at an event like this. I am just so thankful SO many friends and family came to celebrate with us. We had friends fly in from Chicago, Ohio, drive from Tampa and even had a special friend send something from Canada. CC is on popular little baby.

Rainbow babies, Lauren my blog bestie from Lauren’s Blog.


I just want to thank everyone who came yesterday form the bottom of my heart. Thank you for making our baby shower one of a kind and spending the time with us.

I couldn’t resist the flamingo pose when there was THAT much excitement!val3 


And Thank you to Valorie, Erin and my parents for making this party more than I ever could have wanted and more. I love you guys!




  1. you TOTALLY deserved it! It is so awesome to see such blessings in your life and to see such a big smile on your face! My heart is so full and happy for you!

  2. Wow! Amazing shower, amazing friend! I'm so happy for you!

  3. Looks so fun! So glad you enjoyed a great time!

  4. what a beautiful shower :) This is so exciting and so excited for you :)

  5. It was such an honor to celebrate Baby CC and you being 32 weeks (and counting)!! Baby CC is so loved and I can't wait to meet the "big" guy!

    Val did such a great job on your shower! I'm hoping she's available for hire when it comes time for my shower! :)

  6. It looked like you had a beautiful shower you were showered with love and gifts. Now dont forget the gift that came from Wisconsin from your aunt. Well now you are in the final run and you will make it you look so cute and you dont look like your carring any fluid overload, You look great Love your aunt Chris.

  7. Love it!!! SO glad you had the joy of such a special, special day!!! CC will love looking at those pictures and knowing how excited so many were for him!!!

  8. So happy to see this day come. I am thrilled to have a girlfriend like you, and now Val as well! Missing you already!xoxo


  9. You deserved this special day! I am so glad to see that you were surrounded by so many people who love and support you. Everything looked amazing and yummy, I want candy now!
    Your friend is a gem, really sorry to hear about her dad.

  10. I am sooo excited for you!!! Your shower looked amazing! You looked so cute in your red dress and flamingo pose. :) My eyes swelled with tears for you as I read this post. I'm just over joyed that you've come this far and your almost there. Choo-Choo!!!
    ~ Felicia

  11. What an amazing job Valorie did on your shower! I'm so happy you were able to have a baby shower. Baby CC will be here soon, I can't wait!

  12. I just bawled my eyes out in happiness for you!!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you guys!!! Next I can't wait to see pictures of beautiful CC!!! You look absolutely stunning by the way. And sorry for all the exclamations, I'm so excited for you!!!


    haha I can't help myself!

  13. Your shower looks like it was AMAZING!!! I'm so happy you got to have a shower and to enjoy it! Your friend Val is a God send for putting it all together and still attending after losing her dad. She will be in my prayers. I can't wait to see pics of baby CC when it's time :)

  14. Very cute and very awesome! I could feel all the fun you had just by looking at the pictures. Everything looked so great!

  15. Oh my gosh your baby shower was freakin awesome!!!!
