Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sand & Triage

It was a beautiful day out and I couldn't resist taking my out of town friends to the beach. We had a great time, sat at a beach bar and I sipped on tons lemon water. I didn't bust out my bathing suit because I just wasn't in the mood. I was pretty comfortable in my shorts and top. It didn't stop Amy & Shellie from digging a hole in the sand so I could lay on my belly and relax. The 60 year old guys sitting behind us got a kick out of it.

32 weeks +4
I had a great time seeing my friends and I am so happy they all flew in for the baby shower. The past few days have been so much fun. Unfortunately I think it all caught up to me last night and we found ourselves back in OB triage at 4am. To make a long story short, I felt "off" all night, BP's were slowly climbing, but I wasn't too concerned since I had a GREAT appointment, NST and labs just that morning before the beach. But we all know how fast I went down hill last time. So when I woke up with some HELLP symptoms and BP's 143/103, I bought myself a room in triage.

My pressures came back to normal, my labs looked GREAT, he had one decel that went pretty low so I had a last minute BPP on ultrasound and he scored an 8/8. But after a few hours and lots of monitoring, tests & some meds we got to go home. I'm just happy everything looked good and I went in just to be safe. Plus I kinda freaked when I started getting those high BP readings, I haven't seen those since the day before Nolan was born.

I have another appointment Fri for follow-up but I am banking on everything being okay. I'm thinking positive over here, we only have 30 more days!!! We can SO make it! It looks like a lot of rest and being lazy in my near future. I won't complain.


  1. you look GREAT! 30 days and counting and then you've got yourself a little baby!!

  2. aww, hon! I can't imagine how scary it must have felt just the same and am glad you and baby CC are back home.

    You're in the home stretch now! I couldn't be more excited for you!!!

  3. It is better to be safe & I am so happy that you & the baby are OK!! Try to get some rest!!!

  4. I'm so glad you had a great time at your shower! You can so make it 30 more days!!

  5. PHEW! I am *so* glad everything was okay and so glad you went in to confirm.

    I'm so jealous that you get to go to the beach so often. :) We live, oh...2,000 miles away from one. haha

  6. The picture of you in the sand is so cute -- smart friends to dig you that hole! I'm glad that the trip to the hospital turned out to be fine -- 30 days is nothing, CC will be here before you know it!

  7. what a big beautiful bump :)cant wait to see the little baby! good luck! x

  8. I am so glad that it was just a scare and you are both doing great. 30 more days!!!! Wow, I am so excited for you.

    Your looking great as always!
