Monday, December 20, 2010

25 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

Welcome to The 25 Days of Christmas! 

Day 20!!! It’s finally my turn!

I am so excited to be part of the giveaway this year. Tina started this giveaway last year in honor of her sweet baby girls to help families that are grieving a loss through the holidays have a little cheer. I remember last year when I stumbled across the giveaway and it was one of the only things that I looked forward to.

Today I am giving away one of my favorite ornaments that I received last year for Christmas. I was pretty heartbroken about finding the perfect ornament for Nolan given it was his 1st Christmas. But all the ornaments in the store didn’t fit for obvious reasons. Then this little gem arrived in the mail and it was perfect, and it was even engraved with his name and dates on the back. I get a lot of compliments on it and I would love for another family to have it hang on their tree.


The ornament will be engraved with your angels name and date on the back. To enter the giveaway just comment and tell me something about yourself. This giveaway is open to all Baby Loss Families and a winner will be randomly picked tomorrow.

Best of Luck!


  1. Something about me - my lost daughter's name is Hope (she was stillborn at 40 weeks 5 days in August 2008) and anchors are a symbol for hope, so I love the anchor on your signature. My husband has an anchor tattoo for Hope.

  2. We have 3 angels in heaven. Oscar & Bella (our twins) were born prematurely and died after 10 minutes of life. Our subsequent pregnancy started with twins ("Dot" and "Tittle"), but died at 9w gestation. We remember them whenever we see stars, hearts, giraffes or hummingbirds.

  3. Hmmm. I am a mommy to 5 children, three on earth, Amelia (who was stillborn in March), and a baby due in Jan. I have been following your story for a while and am always inspired by your words.

    I am also an artist and have a small company that was created in Amelia's honor that helps parents celebrate their children. It is called Beyond Words Designs.

  4. Hi Ashley,
    Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway. What a very special ornament... I would love it for my butterfly baby, Kennedy Kate whom was stillborn in October of 2009. She is my firstborn daughter. Hugs to you as you remember Nolan this Christmas and enjoy Nolan's beautiful brother.

  5. Ashley, this is absolutely beautiful!! I love this ornament.

    I have been admiring your photos of your sweet little man!! *huge hugs* I am so excited for you :)

  6. Love the ornament! It would be great to have another christmas memento to hang on our tree to remember our Green Beans.

  7. I'm a new follower, actually :) I lost my daughter, Lily, at 23 weeks on 8/3/08. I do have a precious rainbow baby boy, Cooper, who is now 14 months old. He is the light of my world and my reason for everything that I do...

    I watched the video that you made for Nolan last week and I cried the whole time. Nolan is beautiful...and, so is your new precious bundle of joy! Congrats on his safe arrival xoxo

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  10. I have not lost a child. However, I am from a suburb outside of Columbus, OH. Our school family is mourning the loss of a second grader. Violet Baier battled brain cancer for a short 13 months and passed away December 7, 2010, she was seven year old. Violet's family is not stranger to heartbreak. Her mother and father lost a child-born at six months gestation. As well Violet's mother lost her father to cancer May 2010 (while her daughter was recovering from brain surgery). This family has had a terrible year watching their young daughter battle an ugly illness, and I am sure this decoration would mean a lot to them.

    You can see her story on Caring Bridge:

  11. I'm an Aunt of 3 angels in Heaven, triplets Mateo, Ian and Anthony, born at 23 weeks on May 6, 2008. I would LOVE to give this ornament to my sister and her husband in honor of the boys. I know she thinks that some of us have forgotten about them, this would be a very special way to let her know that I haven't and NEVER will!

    Love, prayers, and congrats on your precious new baby! :)

  12. We have 2 babies in Heaven. We lost Baby Wheeler in March 2009 at 8 weeks and our son Michael Noah was stillborn at 24 weeks on January 27, 2010. Purple butterflies are our symbol for Baby Wheeler and blue butterflies are our symbol for Michael.

  13. Aww- that is a special ornament- love it!

  14. what a beautiful ornament!! I would love it for my son Kael who passed away at 5 months old from a neuromuscular condition. We sure love him and miss him everyday. Ive been following your blog for a long time now and know you understand. Your rainbow baby is such a sweetie! Congrats

  15. My angel is Sydney. She was born at 20 weeks on Feb 10, 2009. I have two older living children and we have a rainbow who was born Aug 1, 2010. We remember Sydney when we see butterflies and once in a while, we see a tiny white butterflies in our yard or at the cemetery and it always makes me think she's there with us.

  16. Im Laura, lost Cara at 30 weeks, due to pe and hellp!

  17. Love the ornament! Hmm, something about me . . . my angel's name, Dylan, was actually after Bob Dylan (one of my husband's favorite musicians).

  18. The ornament is absolutely beautiful. I have twin angels. Bryston and Colton. They were born on August 15, 2010. I was only 6 months pregnant when my water broke. Bryston lived for 5 1/2 hours and Colton lived for 70 minutes. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this ♥

  19. Hi Ashley, I only started reading a couple weeks ago. I am so happy for your new baby boy ♥

    I lost my baby boy, Aiden Kenneth, on 8.13.2010 when he was born still at 37 weeks. He was our first baby.


  20. Wow reading that ornament made my cry. That is so beautiful. I lost my daughter in September when I was 31 weeks pregnant cause she had down syndrome and a heart defect. The giveaways have been the only thing that I look forward to every day too.

  21. I have been having a hard time finding an ornament for Jordan's first Christmas in heaven. It is georgeous!!!

  22. ashley,
    i have followed your blog for nearly 20 months now and never commented (i know it sounds awful to say that i'm just now commenting b/c you're doing a giveaway, lol). i think i found your blog when searching for IUGR on the bump. my elizabeth was only 1 lb. 5 oz. at 28 weeks. she lived for 2 weeks. this is her second christmas in heaven, and i can't say it's much easier than the first. i have been so excited reading your updates about christopher. love and hugs to you.

  23. How wonderful! I went to order one of these and they were sold out and were not on back order. I cried! If I don't win, then I pray they are available next year!

  24. Wow, how beautiful is this. My name is Abbie and I am from the UK. We lost our eldest twin daughter Ava in October 2009.

  25. Something about me... hmmm let's see. You know a lot about me. lol Aidan Christopher was born 11 weeks early and passed away from a blood vessel bursting. We use a frog as his symbol because he was constantly kicking in me and in the NICU they had to tie his legs down because he kicked so much.

  26. It is perfect? I would love this ornament for my daughter Lauren Samantha who was born and grew her wings on 10/26/09 due to many complications.

  27. You are too sweet! Something about my little angel is his name was picked on the spot and we named him after his daddy!

  28. I have two baby angels Riley (2/11/10) and Peyton (8/19/10) and I would love to have this ornament for them. Feel free to stop by my blog and read my angel's story in the right hand column. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. My name is Antoinette, I have been following your blog even before CC. I have MTHFR like you and currently carrying my rainbow. I lost my sweet butterfly Alyssa at 35 weeks to a clot in her cord cause I didnt know about the MTHFR. I do lovenox injections daily and the birth of your son CC has brought me SO MUCH hope that I can get that happy ending as well. Thanks for bringing me some peace this holiday. CC was also scheduled to be delivered on my brothers bday at first 12/10...Anyway...thanks for the giveaway chance. its my first xmas with out her and my heart hurts so much...xoxo

  30. I've been following your blog for awhile, but nothing like a contest to get someone to comment! :)

    In 2009, I had two late miscarriages likely due to FVL. With Loveonx, I am now 30 weeks with our rainbow. I have looked at ornaments for my babies, but just haven't found any that feel right yet. I'd love to add this beautiful one to my tree.

  31. My daughter Mikayla Grace was born prematurely and lived for 36 hours. This ornament would be a beautiful way to remember her at Christmas. Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  32. Oh it breaks my heart reading all these stories . Jill-My sweet Naomi died after 35 days of life, when being born at 28 weeks April 2009 due to severe preeclampsia and having IUGR. I always think of her, but especially when I see yellow butterflies, butterflies in general and rainbows.

  33. My daughter's name is Hailey Faye. She passed away on December 2nd 2009 at 4 1/2 months old from complications of her heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. We are currently expecting our rainbow baby, due January 30th 2011!

  34. Wow what an awesome ornament!!! Thank you for doing a giveaway!!

  35. My Meredith Helen lived 3 days after birth on October 3, 1974. She was a preemie & died of a stroke. I was never allowed to hold her. I will someday hold her in Heaven. The Lord blessed us with three Rainbows, now adults.
    I'm so happy for you for your sweet Rainbow baby and please accept my condolences for the loss of Nolan. xoxoxo

  36. Hello,
    My sister lost her sweet baby Kelsey on April 8, 2010. Kelsey was stillborn. She has two beautiful children and we are so blessed for that. Even harder, my parents had a stillborn baby before they had my sister and myself...Life sure can be difficult!!! Needless to say, this Christmas is very hard knowing that Kelsey was supposed to be here with us. Thanks for your blog, it is wonderful!

  37. Hey Ashley,

    This is beautiful!!!! You know all about Vincent's story - but what you may not know is reading your blog is what actually encouraged me to start my own. It seemed like such an honest way to work through feelings.

  38. Ashley this is just a great idea to host this giveaway. I think I will be looking forward to it next year (since I just found out about it today).

    I had triplets this April born at 25 weeks. Nathan, Noah and Amelia. Nathan died after 40 minutes. They are my little miracle babies. Noah and Amelia are doing great and are my pride and joy.

  39. When I read that last year the giveaways were one of the only things you had to look forward to it brought tears to my eyes. thank you for bringing that tiny bit of joy to others this year by hosting today's giveaway! xx

  40. I may be too late to enter, but I love that ornament and will probably order it for our little Rebekah anyway. Thank you for offering this giveaway and sharing your story of sweet little Nolan.

  41. Hmmm...lets see. I am a mommy to 2 angels. Bryston and Peanut. Bryston was born still July 24th 2009 and we lost Peanut at 10 weeks. Christmas is my favorite time of year but last year it was really hard to get through without them. This year though, I've been able to find a little bit of that Christmas joy & actually celebrate that my babies have the best Christmas gift of all, a Christmas in Heaven. I recently decided to go back to school, for nursing in honor of my Angels. LOL, well that's me in a nutshell ;p (((HUGS)))

  42. my daughter died at 20w5d. i miss her everyday. i don't know if i'm ready for an ornament on this years tree, but maybe next year.

  43. I love that ornament!! I'm mommy to 2 in Heaven and 3 on earth!
