Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dream Baby

I have to brag, we have a dream baby. I am sure it will be short lived before he starts causing trouble, so we are just waiting for it. He sleeps, sleeps and sleeps some more and barely ever cries. He’s just one happy and content baby, I even have to wake him up through out the night in order to get a feeding. I guess this explains why he was always so lazy on NST and got his mom a few nights at the hospital. He definitely takes after Chris’ laid back personality.

We can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks already and he’s already getting bigger! The other night I was looking through the pictures that were posted on friend’s facebooks after he was born and he already looks like a completely different baby. He was born weighing 5lb 7oz, left the hospital 4lb 15oz and 11 days later was up to 5lb 11oz at the pediatrician, our kid is already an over achiever. But he looks so tiny from his hospital pictures, sniff sniff, he’s growing too fast.

I wish I could put into words how good it feels to be a Mom to a baby at home, I’d like to say it feels the same but it’s so different on so many levels. I’m overtired and exhausted, but I am thankful. I miss sleeping through the night, but I love the cries he gives to wake me up to remind me he’s hungry. I hate laundry but I think I have done 34,687 loads of baby laundry and love folding it. I have been peed on and pooped on more times than I can count on my two hands and it doesn’t phase me. Everything he does and every little milestone he makes does remind me of Nolan and it’s such a bittersweet feeling. I just  wonder what Nolan would have looked like and what kind of baby he would have been. I just miss him, a lot. But he sure did send us one amazing little brother. Life feels complete for the first time in years and I am loving every single second of it.

2 weeks old



2 weeks old and…

We are STILL in preemie diapers

Yet we are slowly shifting into Newborn sized clothing

He has grown an inch and over 11 oz (prob more now) since coming home from the hospital

He is more alert and recognizes Chris & I’s voice

Took his first bath, first walk and first shopping trip and even stopped at Starbucks for his first red cup.


  1. He is just adorable Ashley!... and you look great! I am glad C.C. is such an easy baby for you - it may stay that way - I have a pretty easy going man myself :)

    Lou stayed in preemie diapers until he was 6 weeks old - I saved one and it looks so tiny now next to his ginormous size 3's!

    So glad you are enjoying every second - Nolan is watching down over you all <3

  2. Beautiful. So, so beautiful. Looking forward to my own sleepless nights and poopy diapers. I love getting to read all about your journey.

  3. He is SUCH a blessing!! I'm so glad you are enjoying every little bit of him. The fun things and the not so fun things. I hope I have such a great attitude about newborn life as you do. I'm so happy to hear that he's gaining weight and so content.

  4. I'm glad he's been so easy (for now anyway) because you need one of those babies to settle in. You've had a long enough road as it is, a fussy or sick baby would just add more stress.

    Enjoy it - I know you are but I have to say it again. Because as I write this I'm looking at my 13 month old that refuses to go to sleep. :)

  5. So happy for you both. God is good.


  6. I am new to your blog but just wanted to say congratulations. I read Nolan's story and cried throughout it. What beautiful light you have found in this new birth- sending you grace and peace....

  7. What a beautiful little guy. This is my first time visiting and just wanted to say I am so sorry for the loss of Nolan, I lost my daughter three years ago and, unfortunately know your pain all too well. We have since had a rainbow baby who I am enjoying every inch of. Congratulations on the new baby.

  8. Congratulations!!! He is such a cutie:) We miss you over on TB but I'm so happy to see that you and the LO are doing well!

  9. He is precious and I'm sure you are both eating him up!
