Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello December

It's December, bring on the cooler weather, less humidity oh and a sweet little boy set to arrive in 9 days! I woke up this morning, held my belly and thought to myself, holy cow... we made it!
30+ weeks ago, I never believed I would get to December pregnant, shoot I was hopeful to get to Halloween. But here we are 9 days away! It feels like such a huge accomplishment and I am so damn proud of ourselves! I just want to jump up and down and dance in the middle of the street praising the Heavens for this time. I am so thankful.
I had my last scheduled ultrasound with Vicki today, praying there is no reason to see her in the next 9 days. It was weird to say, I won't see you in 2 weeks, instead... We will see you in 9 days with a baby you don't need a machine to look at! It feels like I graduated today! She has been amazing and a huge part of this journey with us. We've only had 654,009 scans with her!

Oh I guess I should mention, he measured 5lbs 11oz! I wonder what he will be next Friday!!! Any guesses?

I'm just happy it's December! I'm thrilled I am still pregnant. I'm thankful for the amazing OB and team that has dealt with me the past 9 months and most of all...
I am so damn excited!

My BP was great today, no protein and BPP & NST was decent. I am on contraction watch until next week, it's pretty much the only reason we would bail early due to my vertical c-section last pregnancy. Unfortunately it puts me at risk for uterine rupture if I am having true contractions, which is also the reason for my early c-section at 37 weeks exact. Luckily, I barely contract on NST's so I am hoping it stays that way until Friday!

One more appointment with my OB next week and one more visit to MFM and he will be here before we know it!

I get emotional thinking that this might really happen for Chris and I next week, just so surreal. The nerves are setting in, the excitement is getting out of control and the nesting, well... I can't stop! I only have a few more things to do and I will post his finished nursery.

On another note, if your a BLM please visit Tina's blog and check out the 25 Days of Giveaways. I am honored to be part of the giveaway team this year, I believe my day is the 20th. Last year this was one thing I looked forward to because all the giveaways are truly from the heart and from another mother who understands the heartbreak. She has 2 giveaways posted today, go enter yourself and meet some new mamas!


  1. I'm SO excited for you [and hubby]!!! I can't wait to hear all about CC and "see" him!!

    Praying you through the next 9 days. You did it girl! Way to go!!:)

  2. So excited for you! Can't wait to see him! You have made it!

  3. i am so happy for you!! can't wait to see the pics of your happy family :) my guess for CC's weight on the big day is
    6lbs. 3oz. 20 1/2in.

  4. I'm so happy for you that you have made it this far! I hope everything continues to go well, and I will be thinking about you in the next 9 days!

  5. That's incredible!! You're doing an awesome job mama!

  6. Holy cow! This has flown by. :) I'm so thrilled for you guys!

  7. This little man is coming out BIG- I say he'll surprise us all with 6 lb 5 oz...
    I'm so excited for CC's arrival! You've done it, momma!! =)

  8. I think this is so great and excited for you. I think he will be 6lbs even and 20 inches long. Boy Boy oh big boy if you went full term he would be at least 10lbs. He is strong and healthy such a great thing cant wait to see his picture.

  9. I've been following your blod & am so happy that you've made it this far. I dealt with PP PE with my last little one & it sucks.

    My guess for you... 6lbs 7ozs

  10. Congratulations on making it this far!! I can't wait to see pictures of your little boy! I'm so proud of you for making it through this journey!!

  11. Hooray hooray!

    I have a few pregnancy-with a similar history-questions I'm going to message you on facebook in a bit. :)

  12. Great work mama!!! Here's to nine more glorious days of pregnancy, followed by a flawless delivery :)

  13. I am so happy for you and baby CC! Congratulations on making it to December!
    I'm going to guess that CC will be 6lb 6oz and 21".

    Congrats again!

  14. Hooray for making it this far, so darn proud of you too.

  15. I am so thrilled for you!
    how lucky are you and this baby to have been watched so diligently by 2 angels!
    I can't wait to see how big he gets over the next 9 days.

  16. Gosh, not much longer! I'm so excited for you! And I'm excited for all the giveaways!

  17. Wow, you're here!!!! I remember when you first announced! :) I can't wait to meet the little man!

  18. I hear he has arrived. Can't wait to see him. Congratulations.

  19. Just heard the exciting news on your cousin's blog! CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to hear more from you!

  20. I don't "KNOW" you but have followed your story. Soooooooooo excited that baby CC is here. Seeing your pic with the baby and your hubby brought tears to my eyes. You deserve all of the happiness in the world.

  21. Been thinking about you...very, very weird to be this close, but soooo psyched! I can't wait to see that sweet little CC this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  22. Heard the good news about baby CC... Congratulations!! ((hugs and love))
