Monday, December 6, 2010

Welcome Baby Brother, CC

In the past 9 months…

I have experience anxiety at levels I never knew exsisted

Found out that having a high risk pregnancy after a late loss plays with my head

I have taken about 189 Lovenox shots in the stomache and about 30 more old Heprin that past 2 weeks.

Had 5 trips to OB triage


2 hospital admissions

But in the past 24 hours…

I found out what contractions felt like

Had a repeat c-section

Learned to swaddle a baby, diaper a baby and burp that baby

I have said numerous times, It feels so surreal

Because just over 24 hours ago, we welcomed Nolan’s little brother CC into our world.

Welcome Christopher Charles who decided he wanted to show up early and in true night shift fashion.

After suspecting my water broke in Target while baby shopping, we ended up in OB triage to be checked. While there, we discovered I was contracting, which in my case is not the best case scenerio since contracting puts me at risk some scary stuff. So after 2 hours of careful monitoring, a call to my OB’s cell, she decided to bail early and not take the chance of abruption since the contractions were timely and rhythmic.

So at 12am in the morning, my OB joined the OB on call, my best friend & OB nurse and Godmother of Christopher came in to be his nurse and I was on my way to the OR for a c-section.

Our 2nd born just HAD to arrive in true night shift fashion, unplanned and early. But he came out kicking and crying and is absolute perfection.

baby 227

Dr Fish delivering Christopher and his Godmother, Ashley, waiting to take him to the 228

My first glace.

He weighed 5lbs 7oz and 18.5inches long. His feet are almost the length of his entire head and his nose is a button just like Nolan and he has a head full of hair.

He’s perfection just like his big brother. Watching Chris hold him and rock him makes me fall in love all over again just like I did last year when I saw him with Nolan. We have started calling him Christopher, it just fit and he has 2 nicknames. And maybe one day, this little boy will want to go by Charlie instead. All in due time, but for now, it’s Christopher.

So enough of me blabbing, let’s show our new little boy, Christopher off.

 baby 234 Chris and Christopher Charles “CC”


He’s mine?!

baby 235

We did it! Dr. Fish and I after a successful surgery and healthy baby. She is simply amazing!

baby 267 Chris changing his first diaper


photo(10) Our Special Delivery

The past 24 hours have been surreal, almost like it’s too good to be true. Both Chris and I look at each other and say there is no way this can be. But it is! We are loving every single second of it. The sleepless nights, the newborn cries and the c-section pain that I don’t remember feeling much of last time, just everything.

It feels so good to act as the parents we longed to be, but it also leaves an empty hole in our heart for Nolan. But that’s for another whole blog.

I’m praising the Heavens above for a sweet tiny and healthy baby boy, I am just so thankful and over the moon!


  1. Congrats to ALL of you. Nolan did an amazing job watching over you all, I'm sure! You certainly made my Monday a little brighter!

  2. Congratulations everyone! What blessings Christopher & Nolan both are! <3

  3. Oh my goodness!!! So happy for you, your husband, and his two special guardian angels. Christopher is so blessed to have such a wonderful family : ) What a beautiful boy.

  4. So, so, so, so, SO happy for you!!! I am thrilled that such a precious piece of Heaven gets to be in your arms and am just so excited to start my week off reading about this wonderful little miracle!! WELCOME, CHRISTOPHER!!!

  5. Congratulations on your wonderful, handsome little boy! I look forward to reading all about your joy as you raise little Christopher.

  6. Congratulations! This made my day :)

  7. Congratulations, Ashley and Chris! I'm so happy for you both, as well as your growing family. Your little boy is adorable and perfect.

  8. Congrats! Your 3 angels were watching over all of you! Hes such a precious tiny peanut. Amazing work mom! I love his name! i look forward to reading more about him!

  9. Oh wow, he is gorgeous! Congratulations!!

  10. So excited to see this post this morning. Congrats to you all! Christopher is just precious! I know your two special guardian angels are watching over you all! You all have a simply amazing story! Can't wait to follow this next part of the journey!

  11. Ashley--I have been following your blog since we crossed paths on thebump almost 2 years ago (this is my first comment!). I have been praying for you this whole year. A huge congratulations to you and Chris!

  12. CONGRATS! I've been following your blog for the past few months and I am elated to read that your sweet baby boy is here!! My 1st is due this coming March and I just love reading your blog and following along with your progress. I can't wait to read more! <3

  13. I am so happy for you guys!! I am in just as much disbelief as you guys are - I can't believe he's here either. You probably just look at him and wonder what to do next with him, right?

  14. Your posts never fail to bring a tear to my eye, and this time they're tears of happiness. I don't even know you but I am beyond excited.... over the moon... for you and Chris!!!! Congratulations!!! Now go enjoy that handsome lil man of yours, and remember not to blink or he'll be all grown up....

  15. Pure tears of JOY for your family. He is simply an amazing beautiful baby boy! Congrats:)

  16. Congratulations! I was SO happy to read this post whenI got to work this morning! Prayers for a quick recovery! :)

  17. Congrats- your bundle of joy has arrived- I've been anticipating this blog. So happy for you and your perseverance through it all.

  18. I'm crying many tears of happiness for you and your family this morning! Congratulations on little CC! I'm so glad he's here healthy and you're both doing so well. God is good!

  19. I shouldn't have checked this at work. I have tears of joy for you, even though we've never even met. I've been following your journey, and I praise God that CC is here and healthy and that you're all doing well. Enjoy these precious moments - they go by so quickly! <3

  20. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations, Ashley. I am so happy for you - I have chills reading this. I pray for your continued healing as you embark on your new journey.

  21. I have tears rolling down my cheeks reading this! He's so beautiful, Ash! Congratulations to you both, you did it! He's here, wow!!! <3 Thank God and his angels, Nolan and Charlie!!

  22. CHILLS YET AGAIN! After reading all of this Ashley, I am just so overly happy and excited for you and your family! It does seem so surreal doesn't it? I kept thinking that with Sadie, even for a month or two, STILL do sometimes! I still think I need to return her back to the "parents" as when I was a nanny. but no shes MINE ALL MINE! :) Feels amazing! I am so happy he is finally here safe & sound! I cant wait to visit some day, I LOVE the blog, you gotta teach me how to write stuff like you do ! ps, i sitll have YET to take a picture with Sadie & dr handsome blah! CONGRATS & HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER!

  23. Hi Ashley, I've never posted but I found your blog through the DW ladies. I have tears in my eyes reading this today. I am so so so happy for you all. What a blessing. Can't wait to hear about the next part of your journey!

  24. Congratulations! He is so beautiful! I hope you have a very merry Christmas with your new blessing!

  25. Congrats to your family! He is adorable It will be a great Xmas Celebration with your new son and the angel you have :) Enjoy him

  26. Congratulations on the new addition!!! I'm positive Nolan was watching over his little brother (& always will continue to do so)

  27. Congrats! So happy for you and your family. Little Nolan is looking down on all of you smiling! :-)

  28. Congratulations! He is perfect. Such a beautiful baby, and healthy!!

  29. Congratulations to the entire family! What a precious blessing:)

  30. I was a bit worried when I heard Christopher was here that you started getting sick, I'm glad Christopher just got impatient instead!

    Congrats to you all!

  31. Congrats! He is beautiful. I'm so happy to see he arrived safely!

  32. Oh my goodness! Congratulations to you all. What a wonderful thing to see on a Monday morning! I am so happy and relieved that CC is here and safe. You have another beautiful little boy!

  33. He is absolutely precious. I am so happy for all of you. You have been given a special delivery from God. Enjoy!

  34. Congrats! I'm so glad he is here and healthy! He is beautifu!

  35. I cried happy tears for you when I heard Christopher had arrived... and reading your post made me cry some more. I'm so insanely excited for you and your family. Hugs to you, Chris & Christopher!!

  36. Oh Ashley--I am so incredibly happy for you!
    What a wonderful blessing!
    A million congratulations!!

  37. What a beautiful baby! Congrats to all of you! Good Job Nolan I think you picked out the perfect baby brother for your mom & dad to have. God Bless your family and a very merry christmas to you all!!

  38. Ashley, he is perfect and beautiful! Just amazing. I am tearing up reading this.
    I don't mean this in a wierd way, but I had a dream about you this week, that I was your nurse and you had your beautiful healthy boy and I told you I read your story and we both cried, strange. Perhaps because each day as I help women become mama's I carry you in my heart and prayers. Its amazing this blogger friend business. Hugs and congratulations. I know I don't have tot tell you to savour him!

  39. Congrats to you all! What a wonderful gift before Christmas...

  40. Congratulations, your son is simply adorable! I'm truly happy and excited for you both. Can't wait to read and see more about baby CC.

  41. Congrats to everyone! Oh he's just perfect! :)

  42. Congratulations to you and your family! He is amazing! Tears of joy will not stop rolling down my cheeks!

  43. Ashley,

    Joining you in the celebration of this miracle! I'm tearful and joyful all at the same time...what a journey.

    And what an adorable young Dr., Dr. Fish is! My Dr. and I are about the same age and the connection is great...she just gets me :) Looks like Dr. Fish is the same to you.

    How adorable that Ashley was there too. Amazing that his Godmother shared in his birth. Just sweet.

    Rest up and I will be praying for you, as I know the emotions run very deep for "CC", yet there is emptiness for Nolan and your brother Charlie. They are smiling down on you in this very moment.

    Love and Prayers

  44. Congratulations, I am do darn happy for you. Christopher is just beautiful. You are so blessed, I think Nolan and your brother had a little something to do with his arrival. Can't wait to see more pictures of him, ((HUGS)) and more ((HUGS)).

  45. Such wonderful, wonderful news! I'm sitting here waiting for a blood test grinning like a fool for you (everyone prob thinks I'm nuts lol). So so happy he arrived safe and sound and soooo happy for you. He's gorgeous! Lots of hugs!!!

  46. Congrats!!! He is perfect. I hope your recovery is quick and make sure you soak up every moment of this!!!

  47. Awww..he is beautiful and perfect! Congratulations! I'm so happy that everything went well.

    Welcome to the world Christopher!

  48. OMG!!!!!!!!! CONgratulations!! this is such wonderful news to wake up to!! he is so perfect, just like his brother....Im so happy for you....It brings me HOPE to see you hold your lovenox miracle, as I am now on it myself for a blood clot disorder...

    Welcome to the world Chistopher..xoxo

  49. Congratulations. He is sheer perfection.

  50. Congrats you guys!!! SO excited for you! Welcome to the world, CC!

  51. I can't believe he's here! He is so beautiful, Ashley! Congratulations to you, Chris, and the rest of your family! Enjoy the dirty diapers! :)

  52. Congratulations to all of you! Your little son is blessed to have such a loving family! :)

  53. Christopher is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on his long awaited healthy arrival.

  54. Congrats so happy for you both. What a wonderful blessing !!
    God is so good !!


  55. I know you have other things going on but I gave you some blog love:

    You have given me such hope and comfort that this is some joy after loss.

    Enjoy CC.

  56. He is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!!!

  57. Congrats Ashley and Chris! This news was sooo not expected today. I am happy he is here, healthy, and that you all are doing well. What a beautiful and precious baby boy. <3 C.C & Nolan <3

  58. Wow...God is sooo good!! Congrats on your miracle baby boy! I know Nolan is sooo proud of his parents and baby brother!

  59. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I am in tears at my desk at work. I just can't tell you how happy I am. Christopher is beautiful!

  60. What beautiful news to wake up to. Congrats, certainly deserve all of the happiness you are feeling right now.

    Christopher is a beautiful little boy and I'm certain that Nolan is proud.

  61. Congratulations to your family! What a wonderful early Christmas present.

  62. So I just recently came across your blog and I have read back as far as possible. Many times your writing has touched me but today was my absolute favorite post ever. Congratulations you have a beautiful family :0)

  63. Congratulations! I'm the reader/lurker that also works with Ashley and Allie. I came for an update, and got a surprise post that made me tear up! I'm very happy for you and I hope that I'm in the office when you bring him in. What a journey you've been on. He is absolutely precious. Congratulations again!

  64. Congratulations! he is beautiful!!!

  65. *Insert gasp and awe here* Congratulations to you and your family! How amazing! Enjoy that little man :)

  66. Congratulations!!! Such a Christmas miracle :). Welcome to the world little man!

  67. Just a random follower (I've been following you since your sweet Nolan was born), but I am so happy and excited for your little blessing. Enjoy your little boy, CC!

    Funny DH and I are expecting our 2nd son also in March and his name will be Charles Christopher. Wonderful name! :)

  68. Congratulations. He is so beautiful and I LOVE his feet!

  69. Congrats Mama! This post made my night!

  70. Congrats Ashley! I have read your blog many times (I'm a soon to be DW bride and found your link through a siggy on TK) but this is my first time posting. I am so happy for you and teared up while reading this post. I'm sure Nolan is so proud of his Mommy and excited to be a big brother! Christopher is absolutely beautiful :)

  71. This made me cry tears of joy! I am so incredibly happy for you!

  72. Ashley - I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and I couldn't be more happier for you two!! I was expecting to come read that you were packing your bags and doing all the last minute things. I am just so happy he is here and everyone is doing fine. Your son is beautiful!! And like so many others are saying Nolan was there watching over you all! Congrats!

  73. Ashley, I've been ready your blog ever since I heard you were expecting again. I've been sending you T&P&Vibes and am so happy Christopher is a healthy baby boy snuggling in your arms! He (and you and Chris) definitely has (have) 2 amazing guarding angels.
    I am so happy for all of you!
    Again, congrats and enjoy this amazing and special time!
    Love Hanneke

  74. Congrats Ashley! I'm so happy for you. What a big, beautiful guy Christopher is. So happy for you and Iknow Nolan is watching over his little brother every second.

  75. Amazingly happy for all of you!! Blessings abound! He is gorgeous! You made it!

  76. I've been following you for months and I am sitting here, crying in complete joy for you! CONGRATS mama! I am truly happy for your family : )

    And he is so handsome!

  77. Happy Birthday Christopher Charles!

    Oh Ashley, I am so happy for you and Chris [and Nolan]! Praise the Lord for a healthy miracle boy & NO need for the NICU! Awesomeness!


  78. Oh my goodness! Congrats! He is adorable, so sweet. I am just thrilled for you.

  79. Woohoo! Welcome, baby Christopher :)

  80. When I thought i couldn't be more surprised with news.. I read this post!
    Ashley I have been praying for your little CC's arrival for months. And here he is in your arms healthy and crying. I bet that brought on a sky o tears...thankfully for the good. Praise to the creator that gave you such a blessing! I couldn't be happier for you and your rainbow. CHOO-CHOO!!
    Congrats- sorry about the late comment.

  81. Awe, tears of joy for you my, so happy for you guys! Soak in the joy of these first memories together. Sending love and thoughts your way!

  82. My heart is overflowing with happiness for you and your beautiful family! Congratulations Ashley! I am just so happy for you!

  83. i was waiting for this post!!!! congrats!!! i am sooo happy for you, and he is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  84. Oh how wonderful! Truly, truly the best news I've heard all week! So happy for you and he is just precious!!

  85. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!!

  86. Congrats on your little bundle! I am so happy for you! Nolan picked out an amazing little brother.

  87. He is so adorable, Ashley! I'm so happy for y'all & so thankful he is healthy. I hope you recover quickly & congratulations!!!

  88. Welcome to the world, little one. He is beautiful. Congrats. I'm so happy for you.

  89. Oh, Ashley. <3

    I woke up tonight, after a massive migraine, and just couldn't get you guys out of my mind, knowing that he should have arrived by now...
    Congratulations! I have tears of joy in my eyes, I am just so happy for you. <3

  90. Congratulations; I'm so excited for you and your family!
