Monday, January 24, 2011

Sports Bra Back Fat is sexy…just sayin

So tonight, we embarked upon the Couch 2 5K journey once again. Holy hell, how did we ever get to week 6 last year! I swear, just putting my workout clothes made me feel huge! The shirt I wore to last years 5k is now tight, my sports bra gave me back fat and I wore my yoga pants unfolded because I felt like I needed something spanx-like to feel comfortable. Shoot, even my damn shoes were too snug, even my feet gained weight! HA!

I need to get healthy again, back to my 155 wedding weight. This 188 is the result of 2 back to back pregnancies with a little big of grief weight sandwiched in between and it needs to go, like STAT.

I do miss my pregnant belly, the BIG round belly. Yup. No need to suck in or wear spanx and the full panel maternity jeans are a life savor. Wait, they still are. It’s been 7 weeks, and granted I have lost a lot of the weight, I am STILL wearing my favorite pair of maternity jeans. They don’t give me muffin top like my size AE jeans, which was confirmed today is sill there. At least I can button the damn things, now I need to start working on this body and get it back to a healthy size. I’m not being too hard on myself, I do have to remember I have been pregnant more in the past 2 years than I haven’t. photo(5)_thumb[4]

So here we go, I’m kissing my comfort food goodbye and putting on my running shoes.. I have a 5K to run on March 5th for Piper! (Probably more walking than running because those big plans I blogged about in that link were a little hyped up- what the hell was I thinking?)


Week 1, Day 1….



  1. Just remember it takes 9 months to gain the weight so give yourself a little more than 7 weeks to get it off. Only freaks of nature get to pre pregnancy weight that fast. Plus everything else you have had in your life. You will get there. Way to get your running shoes on already. You are doing it in 7 weeks. It has taken me 7 months to get the motivation to lose the baby weight!

  2. You are awesome! My son's 14 months, and I'm no where close to even THINKING about a workout regimen!
    And the title of your post completely cracked me up.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. You go girl!! Go easy on yourself... you'll get back to your wedding weight. Like you said, you've been pregnant and/or grieving for the past 2 years. It will take awhile to reverse what your body has been through. I'll be back on C25k in June/July and look forward to it. I hate being all flabby and out of shape.

  4. Go Ashley Go! Sadie is now 4 months, and I am ready to step it up! :) Ive gotta find that stroller deal of yours! I love it!!! Id love to find a run or walk like that to attend to. You can do it!!!

  5. I did the couch to 5K last summmer. It's a killer! Can't wait to read about your progress!

  6. Hang in there! I am living proof that is does come off, I gained 60+ and lost it three times! I bought bigger sizes to get me through bc I could not bear to wear the maternity anymore. You look great

  7. Just remember that you will go up and down in your weight loss due to losing body fat and gaining more muscle. I just know you'll meet your goal, you've just achieved 1 did it! Now go out there and get that bod you desire! I hope to do the same. Working on getting my bod in the best shape so I can try for a rainbow! Looking forward to seeing your progress...maybe I'll blog about mine...hmmm ideas are just blooming! Come visit my blog.follow me ( Take care Ashley

  8. I'm signed up for a half marathon in late April. Here's wishing us both luck and stamina in the preparations. You can do it!

  9. You go girl! I'll be joining you on the C25K in about 3 weeks.

  10. I have given you an award, check it out at:

  11. I so need to get off my butt and get in better shape!

  12. Best of luck...just listen to your body and don't push it harder than it can handle. I've had some pretty painful injuries that were NOT worth it. Happy exercising!

  13. I purchased a jogging stroller thinking I'd work out with Nora. She's 8 months and haven't "jogged" once. You go, girl!

  14. Cut yourself some slack! You just recently had a baby, and like you mentioned, spent so much time being pregnant. Plus, while you're breastfeeding, there is a good chance that your body might hang on to a bit of extra weight -- but it will all come off, give it some time! Enjoy the baby, and don't stress yourself too much about this, you look wonderful!

  15. Hi there! It's my first time to your blog - I just joined McFatty Monday on Heir to Blair and I was cracking up at the title of your post... I totally have the sports bra back fat too! When I reach my first goal, I know the back fat will be gone - it's so motivating.

    Great work getting going at 7 weeks! My little one is 7 months and I've still got quite a ways to go.

    Stop by if you get a chance:

    I'm #43 on BA's site this week.

  16. You boy is adorable!! :) Gave you a blog award :) Check out my last post

  17. Ashley, I just stumbled upon your blog and love that you are getting into running after your pregnancy! I just had a baby girl Nov. 24th and I have just started running again too.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to following along. Take a look at mine if your interested.
