Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011 Piper 5K

I did it! I ran across the finish line! I did the entire 5K with 2 good friends and we cheered each other through the entire thing. Ok, more like Kim kept Erin & I from walking the entire thing and coached us to the finish, THANK GOD for her! We ran/walked in 2 minute intervals and finished by running across the finish line, and the best part was I still had a pulse. 10 minutes after… Chris, CC & my Mom crossed over the finish line and they were in the WALKING group. HA! photo(56)


Last year I remember saying to Chris that maybe “next year” we would have a stroller to push at the 5K. And here we were, CC’s first 5K! It feels so good to be happy again and finally be where I have wanted to be since June 2009. It also felt so good to have Nolan’s admitting nurse Mindy and Heather be able to hold his little brother before the race, simply bittersweet.

photo(59) I am just so in awe of Piper’s Mom, Heather. I know I hated when people told me how strong I was, but you guys have no idea… this girl is amazing. I am blessed to have her in my life, I just wish it wasn’t the circumstances we are under. The 2011 Piper 5K drew in over $43,000 for the Healthpark Children’s Hospital NICU. Piper’s story is blessing tiny babies in the very NICU Nolan lived in, and that right there warms my heart. So proud of you Heather and I know Piper is smiling from Heaven and just so proud of her Mommy. $43,000!!!! Amazing. Anchor Sister’s forever.

photo(60)    We did it!

Heather put together a great race and we had a beautiful day! Now on to 2012… you know we will be there!


  1. Way to go!! What a great accomplishment crossing over that finish line! $43,000 is amazing!! Glad you are enjoying moments like these.

  2. Fantastic! I bet you felt more than accomplished. It was probably a spiritual and healing moment to have CC coming in right behind you. Way to go on crossing with a smile and running with endurance!
    You make us mommies proud!

  3. YAY! Nice job! I'm so glad you have a stroller to push along this time.
