Friday, March 4, 2011

5k Eve

It's the eve before the Piper 5K, the one I said I would totally train for and run the entire thing....ohhhh when I was 7 months pregnant. My parents and teachers always said to dream big, and so I did. But let's get realistic here...

Tomorrow morning I will make a big attempt to run the 5k. Granted this week I have not ran on inch to save my life. I blame that on the 3 nights in a row, back to night shift 6pm-6am, legs feel like Jello by time I walk in the front door. And the one morning I was going to run when I got off, I left with the pager and had to drive it all the way back to work. Then stopped at McDonalds for a cinnimelt, come on.....that idea to run was so 5 minutes ago. You would have done it too. So by time I got home, I was done, my bat cave of a room and my pillow top bed was calling my name.

Maybe I should just walk with Chris and my Mom in the stroller group. Or maybe they will just catch up with my slow ass. I do this 5K for a reason, a 3 year old angel and either I walk or run, who cares. In the end we all cross over the same finish line. It's the meaning behind the run that matters to me.

Now that I think of it, I get to eat pasta tonight for energy.... Hell yes!!
Wish me luck tomorrow, I'm off to build a pimp ass play list for my "5K stroll"


  1. I TOTALLY understand your pain, I am running my first 5K next weekend. In the cold, winter, snowy, Minnesota weather, I have only run 2 miles at a time non stop and inside on a treadmill. I am dreading it but wether I have to crawl or come in at a hour I will cross that finish line and you will too. Good Luck, just wear something cute, I say if you cant be good at least look it.

  2. Good luck & I agree with you whether you run or walk the point is you are there to be supportive!

  3. You sound like when it comes to exercise the only difference is that you have a good reason to not be exercising every day. I agree with Abigail it doesn't matter if you walk or run its the fact that your there. (heck I'd probably walk the whole thing up until I saw the finish line then sprint to break a sweat. lol)
    Thank you for the update-

  4. You go girl! ! You can do it!! I hope you have the best time no matter your speed. It is admirable what you are doing.

  5. I hope you have having fun at Piper's 5K and no matter how you cross the finish line, praise God that you did! Saying a prayer for your'll always be Nolan's the pic of his name in the sand. I just found a site that does that, based out of Australia & will do it for our Daniel... Keep pressing on!

  6. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it went!

  7. You are tooo funny Ashley! You did it and thats what counts! Loved this post!
