Monday, March 28, 2011


Baby Brice was a fighter, a little guy that gave it his all. An almost 7lb miracle that went through more than some do in a lifetime. Baby Brice is a son of two amazing parents who proved that love is so deep the past 7 days. Two parents that went through more in the past 7 days than some do in a lifetime. But also two parents that had to do the hardest thing that a parent ever has to do, say good bye to their child forever.

Late last night Baby Brice went to be with is cousin Nolan in Heaven. The past 48 hours Brice was falling sicker and sicker. There was family meetings, moments of no hope but Baby Brice just kept fighting with all this strength. Despite how sick he was and knowing what was to come, yesterday he gave his parents the best day ever, he had family pictures by NILMDTS, got to be held by both Mommy and Daddy and remained ‘stable’ through out all this. He knew his Mommys touch because his heart rate went from 90’s to 120’s when he was being held. Trisha and Connel was able to give him his first sponge bath, wash his hair and take care of him the way they should be as parents. But last night after a 7 day fight, Baby Brice got too tired and it was time to let him rest eternally. He was just too sick, the NICU gave it their all these past 7 days, Brice was unfortunately on the same roller coaster as Nolan. Simply heartbreaking. photo6

I can’t even begin to tell you how we feel right now as a family. How in the world can two children in one family be faced with such heartbreak? Never ever in a million years would I think Chris’ little sister would be in my spot walking out of a hospital empty handed 2 years later. This isn’t suppose to strike twice in families. I can’t even begin to think how my in-laws feel right now watching their daughter walk the same path her older brother took. How is this?!

Chris and I sat in the middle of the baby’s room last night and just cried. The late night call brought back so many memories of that last night Nolan was here. All the feelings flooded back and made it feel like it was June 11th 2009 all over again, like it was just yesterday. My heart screams in pain that my very own sister in law is experiencing this hurt. I just don’t get it. I don’t. I know these next few days and weeks are the worst, the pain is raw and feels like a knife stabbing your heart over and over and over again. The only thing Chris and I can do is hold their hand as they enter this journey, because we ourselves are still trying to figure out this path of loss too.


To Connel and Trisha,

I love you guys. Brice was such a handsome little man. I can’t even begin to tell you how many compliments I got on my little nephew from my parents, coworkers, friends and strangers who read this blog. Brice has a story, it’s beautiful and sad all at the same time and I am honored I was able to share a little piece of him on my blog. I am so proud of you two as parents, your simply amazing. I wish we were with you guys 2500 miles away to give you two the biggest hug and let you cry on our shoulders because we know there are just no words to describe the pain that your experiencing. I know with all my heart and soul that Charlie is up there taking care of Brice and Nolan. Those two have the best respiratory therapist 2 babies could ever ask for, I know he is in good hands until the day we can hold them again.

I love you two.

Your sister.



  1. Oh Ashley I am so sorry for the loss of your nephew. My heart goes out to you all! What a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but especially to your family. I can not even begin to imagine the pain going through all of your family members, after losing 2 beautiful & precious babies. I will pray for the strength that you all will need to make it through these next few days & weeks.

  2. My heart is breaking for them & for your family. No words can make any of it alright but he is at peace now & I am sure having Nolan by his side make his journey to heaven a tad bit easier.

    you are all in my thoughts & prayers!


  3. *hugs* I am so sorry to hear about your nephew Ashley. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Oh, my heart aches. I am so very sorry you lost your nephew. Words escape me as I cannot believe that your family has lost another wee one. Unfair. Heartwrenching. Much love being sent your family's way.

    x <3 o

  5. Oh Ashley I dont even know what to say he appeared to be healthy and then this from his birth. It is something my families have never experienced but after Nolan I can say I have and thought at that time this can't happen again and it did My heart is aching for you now and for Chris's and Connell and his family I cant even begin to imagine the pain. My thoughts and prayers are with both of them and you.

  6. Ashley, this seems to unfair, so wrong. I know I dont' have to tell you that. I can't imagine the pain all of you are going thru right now. I know that you feel some comfort in knowing your sweet boys are all together, I will pray for your entire family.

  7. Reading this all brought me to tears Ashley, even though I heard first hand from you. This breaks my heart. I wish there were words to say. Your family and you all and extended family will be in my prayers. Noone should have to go through this once, yet happen again in a family. Love you.Again I am so terrilbly sorry.

  8. The tragedies in your family in the past years defy reason. I pray for all of you and especially for your sister and brother-in-law as they start the healing process. Sending love and strength to everyone.

  9. Oh my gosh - I am so sorry that your family has to endure yet another tragedy. My heart goes out to Connel and Trisha. I have no doubt Brice is with Nolan and Charlie up in heaven.

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I have been praying for Brice. He was indeed a fighter, just like his cousin! I pray for strength for your family during this tough time.

  11. Reading this makes my heart hurt. Not only for Trisha and Connel but for everyone who knew and loved their family. Rest, baby Brice. And when you can, give your family a sign that you're still watching over them. Many hugs and prayers for your families!

  12. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for Trisha and Connel's loss. How heartbreaking. I truly don't understand how one family can keep being faced with so much tragedy. I'm so sorry. Love and hugs. <3

  13. I am so sorry for your family's loss of Brice! Huge ((hugs)) and prayers coming to your family...

    My in-laws lost a baby full-term, actually the baby died during childbirth when his cord was wrapped around his neck. Then, we lost Lily almost 42 years later. Heartbreak like this should never hit a family but if it does than once should be the max...

  14. I am so sorry. I'll be thinking of them and baby Brice. What a precious little boy.

  15. My heart aches for you guys. I cannot believe that tragedy has struck your families yet again. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and hugs go out to Chris' sister and her husband.

  16. It just seems so unfair. I'm so sad to hear this and so sorry for the loss they are going through. My prayers are with you all.

  17. My heart is absolutely breaking for you and your family, I don't know how it is even possible for your family to suffer anymore this year. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family in this awful time.

  18. My heart goes out to them. Please let them know that I am thinking about them and praying for them. <3 Brice <3

  19. Oh my goodness, I am so heart broken for your family. Keeping your family in my prayers ((HUGS))

  20. I am so sorry that baby Brice was as sick as he was. I am sorry that he had to end the fight. I am sorry another was lost in the family. I can only hope that you and your family can battle this storm and draw close to one another in this heart break. My heart goes out to you and Chris as well as Brice's mommy and daddy and family. We know what loss can do to a family and to a person and I just pray that you all can cope. Hugs and tears for you all,

  21. I am so sorry for the lose of little Brice. Keeping his parents in my thoughts and prayers. Not only have you lost you Nolan but to lose your nephew now is beyond sad. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, you have been through so much. If you would like me to mail a handkerchief from For Your Tears please send me their address at

  22. So so so sorry!!! I am praying for you all, so heart-wrenching! HUGS!

  23. I have goosebumps all over that will not go away. I am so so sad for them. I truly cannot believe that Chris & his sister suffered the same fate. That's way too close to home. I am so sorry for both of you that Nolan & Brice are not here but I believe you're right...your brother is taking amazing care of them in Heaven <3 Praying for your sis-n-law & family!

  24. I am so sorry Ashley. My heart aches for your family. Please send them my condolences. They'll be in my thoughts and prayers! {{Hugs}}

  25. This is so unfair! I'm so sorry

  26. Ashley,

    You don't know me -- I found your blog through a friend's blogroll. But when I read about baby Brice, I started praying for him and his parents every night. I am so sad that this result is what came of Brice's fight, but I will continue to pray for Trisha and Connel that they will have strength and comfort in this terrible time. Thinking of you and your family.

  27. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers are with your family.

  28. I am heartbroken for your family Ashley. It's so unfair

  29. oh My! Sooooo sorry to hear this-there are no answers of how this could happen twice to one family, except maybe that you and your husband could help them through this hard time where as another family would not know where to begin. My prayers are for you all!

  30. I'm so sorry for their loss. What an awful thing for anyone to have to go through.

  31. He was so incredibly beautiful. Such a sweet little face. This is so wrong and so unfair. My thoughts and prayers are with his parents and with you all.

  32. Ashley, I am so very sorry for the loss of baby Brice. My heart is breaking for your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers

  33. I am so sorry that Brice has gone on to Heaven. My heart aches for his parents and the entire family.

  34. I am so sad and so sorry for the loss of this loved child. I know he will be with Nolan and his cousin will look after him, but it is so sad.
    My sweet sister in law has lost two nephews also, so some families just seem to get more than they should.

  35. I am devastated reading this. You are all in my heart and prayers. I am just so broken hearted for you all, I'm so, so sorry.

  36. I'm so sorry to hear about this tragedy. My thoughts are with your family during this difficult time.

  37. I am so very sorry. My heart is sad for you and your family. I will pray for peace and strength and healing.

  38. Thinking and Praying for you and your family Ashley :(

  39. I'm so sorry for your loss, your family is in my thoughts!

  40. I am so heartbroken for your entire family :( I dont even know what to say. It's just so incredibly sad and unfair. Brice was so beautiful...
