Friday, April 22, 2011

Kitchen Transformation: Part 1

If I could hug and kiss the people at Rustoleum right now, I would. Considering we have exhausted our money in purchasing a new home, we were left to be frugal when it came to remodeling. We have many many many years ahead of us to save for a true kitchen remodel, but something had to be done, like STAT. Our kitchen was at the mercy of me and a paint brush.

The whole downstairs just turned me off, made me want to grab a bucket and vomit. For weeks I have been stalking home decor blogs and DIY blogs and decided to go along with the cool people and paint our god awful counter tops and boring cabinets.

I mean, it COULD have been worse, but at least I had something to work with. I am not the craftiest person, but I sure do know how to stalk blogs and educate myself on how to make a vision happen.

I took a chance, I risked the beauty of my god awful fake marble Formica at the mercy of my roller brush of Rustoleum Counter top paint, midnight blue! It was one of those 'standing in the Lowes aisle make a desicion at the last minute kind of thing' and it was actually Chris who suggested it. Yes, he knew my DREAM counter tops are Silestones Marine Stellar, but it cost too much $$ for that risk.

This $20 can of 'awesome' was perfect.
Rustoleum actually has a Countertop Transformation kit, but it was over $100 some odd dollars and I was being too frugal. Plus they didn't have my navy blue midnight color.

I taped off the walls and around the sink to prep the area. All you need is a nice brush, I used Purdy 2" brush and cabinet foam rollers. It took some time to figure out the routine to make it look best, but by the 2nd counter top, I was on a roll and I even finished this in one night. It took 3 days to cure, it's not perfect and there's PLENTY of little imperfections and needs a 2nd coat in certain areas. Especially the last section I did considering I was overtired and ready to be done so I wasn't as diligent with the task.

But I love them! Chris was pretty impressed with the outcome. Would I do it again? Hell yes! It made my awful ugly formica counter tops livable until I can convince Chris I NEED the Marine Stellar Silestone. (((Swwwwooooooooon))

To be continued.....


  1. Looks great Ash! I may need to grab a can of that for my old nasty counters!2q

  2. as you can see - Lou smashed the keyboard apparently he says 2 q ( too cute maybe? I am not proficient in 12 month old texting yet :P)

  3. Thanks for the tips! We are gearing up to do ours and you've helped convince dh that we can in fact paint our cupboards and make them look great!

    x <3 o

  4. What a difference! Looks great!

  5. Way to go!!! It did come out great!!!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing Ashley, I need to do something w/ my ugly counters and plain cabinets, I love transforming something old into something beautiful and new! Rebecca Brown

  7. OOO...Looks good! Very exciting!
