Friday, April 22, 2011

A little bit of CC

He makes me absolutely love life again. Not sure how many times I can say this with out boring you all.
Those cheeks that just fall off his face make me want to kiss him more.
The smiles he gives melts my heart.

Absolute perfection, just like his big brother.


  1. Very great pics...if you are the one taking these pics you post you definitely have an eye & skills with the camera!! He is as beautiful as I am sure his big brother Nolan.

  2. black & white pictures are my favorite! he's so big already! it seems like just yesterday you were bringing him home...he's so cute!

  3. Awe CC <3 great photos Ashley!

  4. Awe he is so darling, thank you for sharing

  5. Awe, SO SO sweet Ashley. I cant believe how big he is getting so fast. Hes eating yummy cereal too!?

    You have GREAT photography skills. Ah, if and when I come to visit, you must get some of Sadie, and CC together! :)

    He is just precious and I feel the same way about Sadie! Our babies are our world. LOVE this post. As I do all of them!

  6. Will never get bored of you saying that! Precious, precious pictures! Thanks for sharing :)
