Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gasping for air from the gut laugh.

Dear America's Funniest Video's,
My kid is pretty freaking hilarious. I know I am one of the 3,978,891 Mom's out there thinking THIS is THE video to win $10,000 on one of your weekly shows. But come on, you know you're going to push replay on this video after watching it the first time, it's that addictive. His laugh is absolutely contagious and yes I know deep down in my heart this is a winning video.



  1. That is the funniest and cutest thing i have seen in a long time. And yes i watched it more then once!!!!! What a funny little boy! Love it!

  2. This is my first time commenting, although I've been reading for over a year... I literally laughed out loud. God Bless him, he's gorgeous!

  3. Oh Ashley that made my day. That was very funny and cute. Precious baby boy.

  4. I just watched it twice..I sooo needed a laugh this morning. He is precious!I say send it in to AFV!

  5. I think this is the CUTEST darn video that I have seen lately of someone elses baby! I watched it a couple of times too, he thought that was just beyond funny, oh what a laugh! I HOPE youre sending that one in!! :)

  6. What a silly little man! I totally cracked up at this. My little boy is 6 months old and he loves to laugh when he spits his bottle out.

  7. without seeing the title of the post, my 12 yr old said, "that is an america's funniest home video" winner right there!" SEND IT IN, SEND IT IN!!! college paid for right there :)

    that is the cutest laugh i've ever heard!!!

  8. That is the funniest and cutest thing i have seen in a long time. And yes i watched it more then once!!!!! What a funny little boy! Love it


  9. that is absolutely precious!! Gave me a good laugh and warmed my heart! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh my gosh you HAVE to send this in!! It made me laugh so hard I cried and then my 2-year-old watched it and it got him laughing hysterically! Loved it!

  11. The video isn't showing up on your post for me. :( Maybe bc I'm on my iPhone? I'll try later on my Mac. I wanna seeee!

  12. This was absolutely precious and I think it is definitely a winner in my book!!! It made me lol for real.

  13. OMG that is so cute. I was laughing and crying too. So funny. He is adorable.

  14. OMG that is hilarious! He is a doll.

  15. So cute! Who knew a spoon of food was so hilarious?

  16. That is the funniest video! It made me laugh so hard. He is a cutie!

  17. Did you send it in yet? That is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! :)

  18. This video is so funny!!! Whenever I need a laugh I am going to come back to this post. How can this not put me in a good mood. Love it!

  19. Oh my goodness! This is the funniest and most adorable video I have ever seen! I too think you should send this into AFV.
