Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Name Reveal

I know you all are on the edge of your seats dying to know the name of this baby, right?! Not really, it really shouldn't be a surprise. But there was a course of events leading up to his name and I want to explain.

I have been fighting to get Chris to let me use Charlie as a future kids name (here & here are just a few examples on how BAD I wanted to name a baby boy: Charlie). I knew it was an uphill battle and I would never get my way, but I tried. I have been trying since last pregnancy. My brother even said 2 weeks before his accident that he would go by Charles, so we could name a future boy, Charlie. At that time, he had no clue if it was a boy or girl yet, nor did we know what would happen just 2 weeks later.

With Nolan, Chris was dead set on Christopher Joseph III, we would call him Trey. But when the time came for the emergency c-section and I was balling my eyes out, he gave in to Nolan's name, meaning "little fighter" It was the name that I was fighting for since we found out Nolan was sick and very small. We both never regretted our decision.

So this pregnancy, I was fighting for my brothers name from day one. I didn't want to name our 2nd born after a name his brother was suppose to be, it just wasn't feeling right, and Chris agreed to a point on this too. Only thing is, Chris and I could NOT agree on ANY names, I mean NONE at all! I even had our friend Chuck text Chris saying what a good name Charlie is. It was more of a game at the time. Something I knew I wouldn't get my way but it was fun to play and annoy Chris.
So when July 13th happened, both Chris and I knew what this meant. Charlie had to be part of this baby's name somehow, someway. We found out the next morning in a last minute ultrasound, July 14th, this baby was indeed a BOY. Charlie loved the idea of a possible nephew being named after him and now it just seemed like it was meant to be. So we decided on....

Christopher Charles

The baby will keep Chris' name and will still be a III, but the middle named changed and we started a new family tradition of our own. We are still undecided on what he will be called and decided to wait until we meet him to make our minds up.

Will it be Charlie? Or will it be... Trey... or something else. I have a hard time with Trey because it was Nolan's preliminary name, BUT I am not going to rule it out just yet. Let's just meet this little boy and see what happens.

But for now, we call him by his future sports
nickname, "CC". You know, like CC Sabathia from the Yankees. (even though we are NOT Yankess fans) But it works for now.

And how can you not want to have a baby named after this perfect blonde hair, train loving, ball of energy? I just wish my brother was here to be part of this. I didn't need him to leave us to get his name. You know?


  1. What an amazing story...and GREAT name. :) Can't wait to see this little man's story unfold. You are so strong and have some amazing things ahead. Hoping all goes well for you!

  2. Lots of tears falling reading this post....

    The namesake is beautiful, just beautiful and absolutely "perfect".

    May God continue to be with you and your family.

  3. It's the perfect name and your brother will be so honored that your using his name. ((HUGS))

  4. Crying. What a wonderful tribute to your little brother.

    I'm sure I echo so many when I say we are all so excited to meet your little man!


  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE the name and the story behind the name. CC will be loved by so many that he will never meet and will be especially loved by his uncle and nig brother from above. Keep ccokin CC we arent ready to meet you yet.


  6. I am so excited you guys went with Charlie/Charles...(I would have went that direction for a girl too!!)

    What about "Trip" I went to school with a guy who was the "III" and he went by Trip..

    (but quietly...Charlie is PERFECT!)

  7. I love the name & that you're honoring your brother that way! He'd be soo proud! (((HUGS)))

  8. what a beautiful tribute and rememberance and honor!!!!! for both your brother and husband :) what a loved baby this boy is!!!!

    thought of nolan today as i opened my mail and got my oriental trading party planning catalogue. they have a wonderful nautical set... just perfect for your sweet firstborn son!


  9. I love the name--it's a beautiful tribute to your brother and also keeping with the tradition of Chris' name. It's perfect.

  10. Our firstborn son Eli is actually named Joseph Elijah Finchum. My husband is Joseph Edward so when we named Eli, we wanted to give him a name that started with an"E" so he would be another Joseph E. Finchum without actually being a lll. Since my husband goes by Joseph, we call our son Eli and it's not confusing at all until the baby has a doctors appointment and gets called by their first name and you sit there like a dummy because you forget the office doesn't know to call them by their middle name! LOL

    Anyways, I love the name you picked out!

  11. What a perfect name & I just know that your brother is smiling down from above :)

  12. I love it!!! Charlie is so happy, I'm sure. And Nolan goes great with that name. Can't wait to meet the little guy!! (But I can wait another three months or so, CC! Keep cooking!)

  13. Wow ~ such an amazing story! Great decision.. looking forward to meeting your newest addition

  14. love the name and especially the meaning behind it.

  15. Congrats on choosing a name for you son! It is perfect :)

  16. I like the name! You are honoring 2 very import men in your life. I know your brother is smiling down on you right now!!!

  17. Love it Ashley, what a wonderful tribute to his uncle and I think it is always great to be named after dad!!!

  18. Topher is a good nickname for christopher! plus, topher grace is pretty cute. :) I think you two chose a great name, and the story behind it makes it that much better!

  19. I think it is a beautiful tribute to your brother!

  20. oh, this post just made me cry, lots of tears, but simply love the name, just beautiful. I can't wait to meet you all & someday too sweet Nolan's baby brother. xoxo

  21. Charlie is such a great name! I want to name my son (that maybe we'll have someday) Charles. My mom's brother passed away 2 months before I was born, and if I had been a boy, she would have named me Joseph, after him, which I think is really nice. Since I'm a girl, well, I'm Elizabeth, but I ended up marrying a Joseph, (whose first name is Nolan btw,) Anyway, loved this post. Thinking of you and wishing you well.

  22. Aww, I think it is a great way to honor your brother and start your own family tradition! I love the stories behind names, and I'm sure little one will love hearing about his one day.

  23. I just LOVE it. It just screams perfect.

    And that sweet picture of your brother at the end just makes me tear up...thinking of you as you are going through SO, SO, SO much all at once.

    It's like whiplash, huh?


  24. I think you have picked out a wonderful name.
