Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Home away from home?

I'm back at the hospital, but this time I was admitted overnight for observation. My BP was high once again (146/96), headaches were back so they told me to come back to OB triage. This time they kept me since my BP's are all over the place. I almost felt like I was replaying the night I was admitted with Nolan. I was in OB triage same time of day, same monitoring, same floor, same meds started, at least my nurse admitted me to the opposite hallway so my room wasn't identical.
I was waiting for the ball to drop at 2am like it did last time, but my BP went lower! A miracle!

I look forward to seeing my Dr this morning to see what she thinks. She mentioned on the phone yesterday that it might be time to back off work, so as much as I am not ready for that, I will do whatever it takes to make it past 32 weeks, a pre-e Mommy's dream.

It's been a long night but I know I am in good hands. Baby's heartbeat has been 140's all night when he isn't being stubborn and swimming away from the monitor and I have had no contractions. I started Labetalol and my BP's came down to 125/73 & 103/72. My headaches are still there for whatever reason and they can leave at anytime. So we're just waiting on my lab results from this AM and my OB to come visit before her scheduled c-sections. Speaking of, I can't wait to be a scheduled c-section. I WILL make it to 36 weeks, I WILL have a normal delivery experience even if my pregnancy is far from uneventful. I WILL take this baby home! It just has to happen.

But seriously, how do women do it? Have normal, uneventful pregnancies? It just doesn't seem normal to me anymore. Given my situation, I have been more normal than we ever expected this pregnancy to go. But holy hell, how do women go all 9 months with nothing? Even my Mom asks how she went through 4 with no issues, and she now realizes what a blessing that truly is.


Wilson Family said...

I am so glad to hear that your BP is decreasing. I came across your blog and was touched by your story. I also had pre-e but thankfully at the end of my pregnancy. But was put on work restrictions early on (Im a nurse) and it helpd tremendously. Yet even with the reduced hours I was still leaving shifts with headaches. Thankfully I made it to 37 weeks and was induced. My BP was 210/105 when they finally induced. I pray that you make it to 36 weeks and know you will. God bless.

cmatsukes said...

I am glad to hear your B/p is down. But there is some underlying cause all you cousins are sharing this except Rebekkah is not but something is not right they just have not found yet. But the heck with for now concentrate on your baby and your health and you will make it through halloween is not that far away. Hang in there CC.
Love Hugs and prayers for both of you. Aunt Chris.

Lauren said...

No more scares, okay Ashley?!? So glad to hear that your BP went down last night. Do you think they are going to advise you stop working until the baby is due?

I boggles my mind that many many women everyday give birth to full term babies. Almost seems impossible, doesn't it? Hopefully we'll both get to experience that one day :)

Dana said...

I'm so glad that you have a good medical team (and, of course, that your BP is decreasing).

I look at pregnant women walking around in amazement. How can their pregnancy be normal? Are they racked with fear the way I will be, the way I was?

I hope for continued good updates from you.

Beth said...

So glad to hear you're doing better. Take it easy Ash, and keeping cooking Mr CC

Angie said...

Yikes! I'm sorry your bp is not being cooperative but I'm glad it came down again. Do they have you on bp meds regularly yet? Hopefully they can get that under control and it will be smooth sailing for a long time more!

This whole pregnancy stuff after a loss is not for wimps, is it? I find myself petrified of miscarrying right now, not even able to think about the stuff that comes in the 2nd trimester yet!

Katy Larsen said...

xoxo Praying for you. I am so glad things are getting better. You are right---you WILL take this baby home.

Karin said...

That blood pressure needs to behave! :) I'm glad that it came down and they're keeping a close eye on you. This baby is going to make mommy home for a good long time yet and then come home with you as scheduled.

Normal pregnancy...what is that?? Just last night, I was telling someone that the "normal" pregnancy complaints haven't bothered me, but instead I'm worrying about if the Lovenox is working, worrying every time I go to the doctor if there is a heartbeat. I would give anything to be blissfully ignorant and have boring appointments!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your baby.

MissingYouAlways said...

oh hun I am so sorry you had to be admitted, but at least things are looking better, I know that "DEJA VU" feeling as I too was admitted to triage a few days ago, and had to get an emergency cerclage and be in the hospital for another week =( I too wish I knew how moms go a whole 9 eventuful months, if you ever find out care to give me the secrets? I am praying for you and your baby boy and YOU WILL make it to 36 weeks =)

Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

AShley, I know how scary this is. But I know you are a strong mama who takes the doctors orders beyond seriously!
Hopefully, having "caught" this early the meds will work before things can get out of control.
I think going off work is a good idea as well. As a nurse I know how we and you RTs RUN, its not good for any body especially a pregnant person.
I can assure you (as I KNOW you know) that bedrest is so worth it. After 20 weeks of bedrest at 35 weeks my pre-e hit the dangerous level and we induced. I am so greatful for those 20 weeks and my healthy baby.
I totally agree with you. Pregnancy and healthy babies are miracles that so so many people take advantage of.
I am praying for you.

Lisette said...

Praying and praying

Cecilia said...

Thinking of you and your little one.

Cristina said...

Thinking of you!! Sending lots of positive vibes that you go PAST your due date!

Holly said...

Out of all my pregnancies this one is the most "normal" but even now I am getting NSTs twice a week. Both of my sister's pregnancies were uneventful. Must be nice!

Lori said...

Ok...think it's time you and little boy had a come-to-Jesus about not getting any crazy ideas about debuting early! That blood pressure is scary, so I am thankful, thankful, thankful that you are being taken such good care of and the medicines seem to be working well. I hope and pray that the headaches take leave and for GOOD! Stalking you for updates!

Malory said...

I am so glad your BP went down to those levels! How scary that must've been. I am currently on Lebatalol 200mg 2x a day. I hope they keep you on it from this point on. Thinking of you.

Lara said...

Ah, Ashley. Man! I'm so sorry. I had hoped that the last visit would have been the last one. I'm so glad that they are taking such good care of you, though. And I know you'll fly right by 32 weeks and have that scheduled C-Section at 36 weeks!

Christinie said...

SO glad the B/P came down! Praying for 32 weeks and then 36!! You will take this little one home!!!

I have no idea what it is like to go 9 months with anything either. Hopefully they all know how blessed they are.

Jayme said...

You weren't on any BP meds before?
I was on Labetalol though my pregnancies and between even, and it worked great for me.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew why some of us were chosen to have it difficult in pregnancy (hugs)