Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boring news is good news

All has been quiet on the home front. THANK GOD!

I was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon after a fun two day stay on monitors, I got used to hearing his heartbeat 24/7. It's amazing how a hospital admission lowers my blood pressure, it must be because I feel I am in the safest place for this lil one. Although, I don't think Chris would have gone for another night in the ever so popular fold out Dad bed.
So since being home, CC has really perked up again and has slowly been getting back to his normal self. I had a follow up BPP ultrasound (4th ultrasound in 6 days) and he checked out perfect. My fluids are still hanging at a lower normal, but he passed the rest with flying colors.
Talk about a sigh of relief.

Chris and I started to organize the nursery, lets say it's my attempt to nest. We have found out we won't be in the new home by Dec 10th so he will for sure come home to this house for a few weeks. We sat on the floor in the tornado of baby stuff in amazement of how much we have, how much we don't know and how insane it is to feel like this is really happening.
24 more days!
Chris is going to go pick up the big dresser this week and spend the next few days setting everything up for real. The nursery at this house will keep a lot of Nolan's decor since it's there and I haven't really found anything I am looking for in the train dept. I have ideas, but can't seem to settle. So it will be fun really setting up the new nursery at the new house when that time comes.

The next 3 weeks are going to go by SO fast! I have weekly ultrasounds, appointments, NST's and MFM appointments and before we know it, CC will be here. Now if we can only settle on what we will "call" him when he arrives. We will just figure it out when we meet him, I'm sure it will be a no brainer.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* Glad that things are well. Thinking of you and CC! There are always things to make us nervous, but focusing on the positive definitely help. You are doing so well Ashley :)

Erin said...

I was worried when you didn't post for a few days, but I'm so glad everything is going well!

Amanda said...

I'm so gald there's no news. I hope you and CC stay healthy and strong.

Lisette said...

I am to hear you and baby are doing well. I am sure being in the hospital is a relief because are you are in good hands there. I can't believe you are only days away now from meeting your handsome son, hooray!!!

Mrs.F said...

I'm glad everything is still looking good!

Alise said...

Have you thought about having someone make you a quilt? I'm a huge quilter myself so that is what I would do if I couldn't find something that I liked. :) Let me know if you need some help!

Malory said...

So glad to read everything is well!

The hospital has the opposite effect on me! My BP seems to always run higher there :/

I'm in the same boat with the name so I wish you guys luck with that! I can't beleive how hard its been!

Hoping these few weeks left go by quickly & you are holding your precious baby in your arms safe & sound.

Jill said...

Oh Ashley, this post just made me SMILE from ear to ear! I cant wait, and yes these 3 weeks are going to FLY on by for you guys! Heck it is for me! I cannot wait and as many others cant to finally meet this little guy. Oh you must be just so darn excited! I have chills all over still, I still remember the morning I texted you that it was D-day for me! and that feels like yesterday! 3 more weeks!!! Youre doing amazing!! Look out for your gift! (adding more to the babies r us throw up!) :)

Holly said...

With all the appts it will go by fast!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear things are going much better. He is going to be here before you know it!!!

Pink Pamalamma said...

Glad to hear all is well. He's gonna be here so soon!!