Bless your heart Jessica from Ethins heart beats She nominated my blog for the Heartfelt blogger Award. Jessica is also a mother who lost her precious Ethin to CHD, a heart defect. Little Ethin fought for 5 1/2 months before going to Heaven.
I am real excited about this award for 2 reasons. One, I met someone new that I didn't even knew read my blog and two, I love nominating others for this type of stuff.
So thank you Jessica.
Here are the Rules for this award:
1) Display the award logo
2) Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside
3) Link to your nominees and leave a comment on their blog telling them about the award
4) Link to the person whom you received the award
Here are the blogs that I am nominating in no order at all the blogs that I red and follow and that really just touch me to the core.
1) Display the award logo
2) Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside
3) Link to your nominees and leave a comment on their blog telling them about the award
4) Link to the person whom you received the award
Here are the blogs that I am nominating in no order at all the blogs that I red and follow and that really just touch me to the core.
1.) Danielle at Letting God & Letting Go tells the heartbreaking story of her son Wyatt's short lived 2 minutes here on Earth. Danielle is spiritually strong and always has the right words. She is currently fighting for her state to recognize Wyatt's birth as a live birth vs Stillborn and is doing everything in her power to get Wyatt a birth certificate.
2.) A dear friend over at Little Bluebirds Fly is also a pre-e & HELLP survivor who also lost her babies too early. But her happy news of a new healthy pregnancy has given me hope. There has been so many of her posts that I feel like I could copy and paste and it's my exact feelings. She also reminds me all the time that at one time she remembers feeling exactly what I write, so it makes me feel a little better. Thank you!
3.) Angie at Bring the Rain tells a story with words that make you feel like you are walking beside her in her journey of grief. She has 3 BEAUTIFUL little girls and was blessed with a 4th. They received some awful news on their baby at 20 weeks and she tells the story about carrying that baby to term because they chose life. I read her entire blog one morning and sat in tears. She is one of the most inspirational blogs I have read.
I have so many more I would love to post because every single one I read is heartfelt. I know all you girls write from your heart and that's what makes these blogs the way they are.
What a true honor, honey. I couldn't be more touched :) Thank you!
I honest;y stumbled across your blog through the Secret Garden and how I came across that I am not sure I just knew I needed to know I was not alone in the fact that my son is in Heaven and I am here. Then I read and cried as I read your blog and realized so quickly that I was not alone. Thank you for accepting the award. Your last post I truly feel all of that too about the holidays. Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica
What a great thing to be able to honor other women! :)
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